Sunday, November 27, 2005

what I was going to do ... and what I actually did ...

WHAT I WAS GOING TO DO was write a nice, long, involved and detailed blog about the wedding, the reception, my emcee work and all of that. I was going to include a ton of photos, including a bunch of me in my tuxedo, looking Blues Brothers Chic, or perhaps Fat Sinatra-ish.

But then, I said "fuck it" and wrote this little blurb.


1. I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed several hours early for me.

2. It's not like there are many of you blogging and reading blogs on the weekend, so I'll only disappoint (and I highly doubt that too many people care enough to actually even bother being disappointed) a few at the most.

3. I'm not feeling very writer-ish. writer-y. writer-istic. I don't feel like writing all that much.

4. I'm still thinking about that sex dream. It was THAT vivid. I think I will jack off to it before sleeping.

5. I am REALLY fuckin' tired. Fuck.

Random Guam Fact Of The Day:
• C'mon. Didn't you read the excuses up there? Did you really think I'd be able to pull an RGFOTD outta my ass?


mikster said...

Nighty, night...and um...good luck with that dream....don't pull a muscle.....much

Deb said...

OKAY........Now you're just PMSing...

Everything Nice said...

Big Daddy - I just want to say that IM COMMENTING. And I care.

Really, I just want you to know that I try to make it increasingly obvious that I think you're special... Im gathering though that you don't get it.

Perhaps It;s from lack of sleep. dunno. but damn.

I think that the time zone change may have something to do with your posts and how many comments you have.... you seem to be rather distraught about this.

I checked your blog all day *until around 2* and it was the same post.... I commented TWICE.

Not sure what else I can do for ya.

I like reading your stuff, I really do. And at this point Im really sad that you still don't get it. or if you do, you're not admitting to such.

So this is a public out pouring to dozr on his comments section:

Ive done everything I can possibly do honey... and I thought that was enough.

Anonymous said...

For us mommy-types, there is little distinction between weekday and weekend. The dishes, laundry and diapers are there regardless. Weekend? Relaxation? What the heck is that?

Get some rest...Kiss.

DZER said...

mike: LOL

chrissie: I’m stunned that you didn’t call and wake me up. “are you really sleeping?” LOL

deb: so where’s the blood then?

naughty one: you had me at hello.

aroused girl: it’s not my fault you had kids LOL … and thanks for the kiss :oD

gigi: sex dream erotica will be written soon .. and gigify away ;)

sugarpunk: I hear he’s REALLY easy ;)

murphy: I got some somewhere LOL

sugarpunk: murph is murph

DZER said...

gigi: LOL .. it's OK hon ... some people are acronymically challenged ... it's a disease, an affliction, a disability ;)

sassinak said...

dzer have you ever played akro? it's this irc game where a bunch of people (minimum four for fun) play a game where a bot spits out random letters and people make up decryptions and then vote anonymously

so fun!

kathi said...

Hey sweetie. Looks like life's gone to hell in a hand basket since I went away. (what's that mean, anyway?)
I've just spent the last 1/2 hour catching up and I still don't know:
How was your thanksgiving?
Are you still sick?
What happened while I was gone??
Did you know that everything nice has this huge crush goin on for you?
I'm back now, so, I'm gonna keep up!!

DZER said...

sass: I've never played that game specifically, but I have played something similar, I think.

kathi: Thanksgiving went well; I'm much better; a lot; I doubt it; and cool!