Wednesday, November 15, 2006

a thirst-quenching early HNT from Guam ...

glug ... glug ... glug ...

You know you're losing weight when the roll of back neck fat is noticeably smaller ... heh

To find out more about Half-Nekkid Thursday,
check out the link, baby:



da buttah said...

how about when your pants are too big and thus make you look fatter than prior to losing the weight?

i still don't get it. not at all!

Natalia said...

Wait...the cap is on! Cheater! lol


The Savage said...

I found a place where I can get Meiji Chips... I can get Pocari Sweat.... but to no avail when I search for that beloved Assam Black Tea.... sigh

ell said...

now i'm thirsty too.

Snow White said...

Oooh... I LIKE this picture! It makes me want to... um, never mind. But I guess that catches you up on what's been going on in my life! *grin* xox

KJ said...

Happy Hnt.....and all that good stuff

Crabby said...

Now there's a good Avatar pic for ya.

Psssst. Go check out what I got to drive today. Nobody will believe I operated heavy machinery even with the pics! But I swear, SWEAR, I really really did. And it was soooo fun!

Oh, btw, my headache is gone now.

SignGurl said...

Your arm looks super long in that picture. Like you could reach out and touch someone, heh!

Anonymous said...

chug, chug, chug!!!

You look like a powerful fellow, dzer!