I've noticed a lot of people that are exhibiting a bit of holiday stress — at the office, at stores, on the roads, etc.
As for me ... I'm feeling extra Christmassy this year. Today I watched "Love Actually" and "It's a Wonderful Life" and it jacked up my level of holiday happiness. I wrapped a few more presents ... only have about 5 or 6 left to wrap. I need to take a pic of the pile sitting out in my living room ... adn I need to make sure I get the ones for godkids and whatnot delivered over to the house early for once, instead of the night of the opening of presents! LOL
I've been listening — and singing along — to Christmas carols most of this weekend ... OK, and even during the week, especially at work. I really like Andy Williams' take on most of them ... just bought an Elvis Christmas CD recently and need to upload that to iTunes.
That being said ... I miss having Christmas at HOME.
I do Christmas now at other people's homes. I love them and they're like family, but it's not the same.

So right now, most trees are about $25. A stand would cost me another $12 or so. But I would also need tree lights, ornaments and other things, like ribbons or garland. That's far too much effort and cost for a tree that will just sit in my living room and not really be for anything.
Maybe next year. Maybe.
OK ... I'm going to go watch "Love Actually" again and do some manly weeping.

Jamie: "It's my favorite time of day, driving you."
Aurelia (in Portuguese): "It is the saddest part of my day, leaving you."
Daniel: "Well, you know — I thought it might be something worse."
Sam (incredulous): "Worse than the total agony of being in love?"
Daniel: "Oh. No, you're right. Yeah, total agony."

Random Guam Fact Of The Day:
• It's unclear exactly what the original name of Guam was, since the Spanish really didn't go out of their way to understand or preserve the original Chamorro language. Chamorro activists like to use "Guahan," but some have argued that the name was actually "Baum." We'll never know ... unless/until we find a way to go back into time.