Thursday, January 04, 2007

what's goin' on ...

... not much.

Some work.

Some World of Warcraft.

Little to no blogging, though I've been reading most, albeit sans comments.

Some sleeping.

Some eating.

No real effort toward chores.

Just a bleah New Year so far.


terry said...

it's kind of a blah month, isn't it?

but wait.. isn't there some special occasion for you to celebrate in january?

m_o_o_nspells said...

I'll second that emotion but you'll hafta substitute "on-line poker" for WOW. Oh yeah, and add "f*ckin bleah @ finances for the coming year (and forever after)" and I'm REALLY with ya... :o|

ArtfulDodger said...

might as well just give up then, dontcha think?

I'm joking! For goodness sake, cheer up!

KJ said...

I see your bleah and raise you a bleck

Sunny Delight said...

bleah is no pic! grrrr!

Natalia said...

yeah I am not inspired to do chores either...go figure.


Suze said...

Dzer, you made the perfect start to the year. Laid back...

Happy New Year to you and all the best for 2007!

Crabby said...

To tell ya the truth, I'm hooked on shape shifter myself. It's got me big time. I so badly want to make the internet high scores list but I suck too bad to get there. Now I'm obsessed with it. sigh. Life as a gamer is hard. LOL!

Anonymous said...

how is world of warcraft- by the way I got a really cool christmas card!!!! IT had old school wax on it....very nice :)


JMai said...

What, no HNT? Fucking Bleah indeed!

Hoochie Mama said...

I got your card!!! :)

Thanks! :)

SignGurl said...

I'm so glad you are alive!

terry said...

hey! where's our HNT??