Saturday, March 10, 2007

can anyone else out there ...

... use another three hours of sleep?

... go for an overindulgent lunch?

... appreciate a good, long massage right about now?

... think of something for me to blog about?


I'm not here. said...

What would be your idea of a perfect overindulgent lunch?
Please provide details of the courses involved and whether or not it involves dessert. :)

terry said...

i like MD's suggestion...

and i could definitely go for all those things, dz.

so what's going on in your life these days? you've been mighty quiet, o great one...

ArtfulDodger said...

yeah, you have been quiet lately. those all sound good to me right now. how about telling us more about your plans, any changes lately on moving?

Jon said...

3 extra hours of sleep would be awesome. But this tends to make my back hurt. I guess I have a back problem.

I don't like to over indulge on lunch. It makes me want to nap for the rest of the day. On the other hand, dinner I could definitely overindulge on.

A massage is SOOOO needed right now.

Do all of these things, then blog about how you feel about it.

Hoochie Mama said...

I'll take the sleep!

Natalia said...

yes Yes YESSSSSSS. The trifecta!


SignGurl said...

I'm ready for the overindulgent lunch right about now.

April said...

yes, yes, yes! all of the first 3 would be awesome.

(i almost like, wrote, like totally awesome, dude!)

so, come on. let's go together for lunch, give each other massages and take a nap. THEN we'll both have something to blog about!! :)

Anonymous said...

hrmm....hi dzer :)

Natalia said...

We miss you. Even good ol' haggis asked about you today...what's up with Dzer that I don't see him comment anymore? See...they miss you even in Ireland.


ArtfulDodger said...

A person can only play so much Warcraft... can't they?