Tuesday, September 20, 2005

GADZOOKS!!! ... almost forgot ...

The fuzzy little reddish-brown caterpillar has become a butterfly and flittered off of my upper lip. Well, technically, I had it shaved off when I went into the barber yesterday — had the head shaved and face shaved, a little indulgence I partake in now and then (I could write stunning poems about my love for the feel of a straight razor against my skin).

The vast majority of the people who voted in the "should I shave the 'stache" (all two of them) thought I should get rid of it. So, it's gone. Whatcha think, Allison? My upper lip skin live up to the rest of my epidermis? LOL

Wow ... I just realized this: Despite this being the "best" of the photos I took of the non-moustache, I still come off looking like the psycho who just got outta prison TRYING to look like a friendly fellow. Gadzooks!

And by the way ... how come no one uses that exclamation anymore? It's great! I'm reviving "Gadzooks!" ya'll! It WILL be appearing in the comment portions of your blogs now and then, until it's back in common usage or I'm dead, whichever comes first.


DZER said...

nah; you'd probably find me under "serial killers set free on a technicality" LOL

and fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?

sassinak said...

i really like it without the stache dude, good choice.

also gadzooks! you won a bunch of cash playing poker ne?

you're actually cute you know... don't be so down on yourself.

DZER said...

sass: and you, my friend, are far too kind :)

chrissie: It wuz me ;)

allison: moisturizer? are guys allowed to wear moisturizer? do I have to do my nails too? LOL

sassinak said...

dzer: i never say things i don't mean.

DZER said...

chrissie: wuz he?

sass: I don't doubt that ;)

Lia said...

you don't look scary at all. well, shaved heads are always startling for a nanosecond to me for some reason, not that I mind them. You have very large, intelligent kind-looking eyes. I would be surprised if people thought you were a wacko. Not that most wackos even look like wackos anyway.