Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Teaching gig No. 2 ...

I'm leaving the office in less than an hour to make sure I get to the university in plenty of time — especially since I want to check the mail for my camera and to stop by the store to pick up a drink.

It was a bitch grading papers. I'm sure I was too easy on some of them and too hard on others, but overall too nice. Next time I let my visceral, vicious editor side loose on the college kids.

Notes to self:
• You're a professional who knows much more than these kids do now, and likely ever will.

• Bring some napkins for the whole gushing streams of forehead sweat.

• Relax and have fun.

Random Guam Fact of the Afternoon:
• Scattered thunderstorms with a high of 86° Fahrenheit. Translation: It's humid as all hell out there! Ugh!

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