Wednesday, October 12, 2005

centennial post with the most!!

Well, loyal blog readers (all few of you), today marks my

OK, so it's not a big deal. So sue me. I've been having a very shitty week and needed SOMETHING to be happy about.

So I was typing up a comment to a post on Sassinak's blog (oh yeah, it's all about the refers, baby) and I came to a decision. I am going to start minimalizing my life. Not because I need to or have to or anything like that — I haven't joined some weird religious cult, I'm not moving into a teeny tiny apartment. But because I really don't need so much of the stuff that I have.

For example: I have three TVs. I only watch one. The other two — one a 13-inch combination TV/VCR — are in a closet. I have 6 plastic bookshelves and 8 or 10 wooden/fake wooden ones. I have hundreds of books I will never read or reread. I have clothes that I haven't worn in years, and likely won't. I have dishes and plates and plastic containers that I never use and likely never will. I have all this cool stemware for my home bar, but I don't really drink. More to the point, I don't have people over. But when I moved in, I figured a "bachelor" pad needed some kind of bar, including all the right glasses.

I have hundreds of videos I don't watch. I have dozens of CD's I don't listen to, now that almost all of them are uploaded on my iTunes. I have a cd player/boombox deal that hasn't been used in years. I have hundreds upon hundreds of comic books that I no longer read.

The list goes on and on and on.

So what will I do?
This is what I'm going to do, what I've already started to do. I'm going to clean and categorize all of my extra stuff. I will then take all the big stuff and put a classified ad in the newspaper. After a week or so, I will hold a yard sale — or, in my case, an apartment sale. Clear out my living room entirely and just put all the stuff I'm selling there. Anything that doesn't go will be given to The Salvation Army or Goodwill — or tossed into the dump.

I will repaint my living room. I will set it up to be my poker room. It will be tastefully decorated with my photos, knickknacks and bric-a-brac (yes, fuckers, I have bric-a-brac. Wanna make something of it?).

I will next fix up my bedroom — new coat of paint, redo the closet, get a new bed, move the loveseat in there, refinish my dresser.

The spare bedroom will be kept as empty as possible, in the event I decide to sublet it out. It will serve as storage, if nothing else, and a sort of wrapping center for my Jingle George stuff.

By next year, my home will be eminently suitable for company. I will be able to host poker night and not be embarrassed by how shitty my place looks. I will have a bedroom a woman will be proud to be fucked in ... well, at least she won't have to be blind-drunk to consent to be fucked there. Or something like that. Not that I'm getting women blind-drunk and then molesting them. I just mean my bedroom sucks, OK? Geez. Some people. I'm desperate, but I'm not a deviant felon (though I can be deviant).

The bad news is this: No one from the blogosphere can visit me at home until January. If you come to Guam, I will hook you up with a good hotel.

Head's up!
I also soon will start posting some older erotica and poetry and stuff on another DZER blog ... DZEROTICA. Isn't it great just how nice that fits in? It just melds, blends and connects.




Blam! I'm pissed I never thought of it sooner! LOL All this time I could have been using that and didn't. Damn.

The site also will feature new short stories, erotica and poetry as I write. And I have recently been inspired to write again. I lost tons of poetry and short stories when I lost my Web site and my last computer crashed and burned ... I knew I couldn't just redo it all, and losing so much hurt that I didn't really feel like writing much anymore.

Luckily, Chrissie had saved a bunch of my stuff (thanks!), especially my erotica, which used to be hosted on her old Web site. So I will start with that stuff, and gradually add more.

Excited? No? Screw you then! I AM excited! LOL

Random Guam Fact Of The Day:
• Guam hosts a memorial to the brave canines who served alongside the Marines in World War II. The War Dog Memorial, located on Big Navy, honors the 25 dobermans who gave their lives in service to their country.


DZER said...

she'd have to be a forklift operator ... and have the forklift

and I actually like painting ... when I don't hate it LOL

Everything Nice said...

And I'm STILL waiting for your short to spot light on MY site fucker
sheesh, lay off the comments page and get to work slacker!

DZER said...

It's halfway written, you demanding porn queen!

for someone who loves to tease so much ... one would think you could appreciate a good tease-back ;)

sassinak said...

dzer: i love de-cluttering, in fact my place is due right now!

i have to do it often cause i have a small apartment, it helps :)

also dzerotica? GREAT TITLE!

Steppin' On Toes said...

I have to worry about cleaning up too once I move. I wish I could just throw everything away.

Lindsey said...

I've got tons of those things as well but i can't make myself get rid of them. Good for you for taking that least you can make some money off of it.

DZER said...

eddie: gotcha

sass: I'm going to try to make declutterization fun! and thanks on the title! ;)

guammie girl: wouldn't that be easier? Man I wish I was rich.

linny: Hell, my name is DZER and I'm a packrat ... LOL

DZER said...

thanks again...

...and cross yer fingers for the dog thing happenin' this weekend

sassinak said...

not to mention he's done 100 posts!

hmm i wonder how many i'm at...

DZER said...

sass: go to your dashboard and it'll tell ya