Methinks I would have made a good pirate ... super tall, super big, look good in a bandana ... but not a captain. Just the burly, giant first mate, at best.
So prepare to shiver yer timbers, and batten down the hatches, lads and lasses, as the Dread Pirate DZER comes near.
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of dumb!
To find out more about Half-Nekkid Thursday,
check out the link, baby:
LOL! I love this picture!!
Now all you need is a beer wench at your side!!!
I love it! Me timbers be a shiverin!
Avoid the sassy parrot, birds scare me.
Haha, that's a great picture Deeze. I like it a lot! I gotta ask, what's the tattoo on your arm of? I'm seriously considering getting my very first tattoo this weekend... still looking for ideas.
Arrrgh ahoy matey! ROTFL... can I be the damsel who gets stolen?
peg legs make mee horny :)
what happened to your template?!!
Dz! I'm so disappointed! You said pirate pic on Emma's blog and I thought you did it for me since I requested pirate pics the other day! *sad puppy dog face*
*grudgingly* the pic is really cool...
And a mighty Arrrr... back at ya! Cheers and Happy HNT!
I think you're kind of a hot pirate.
I do believe you were born several hundred years to late my friend, you are a natural. :) Hope you are feeling ok, good luck with the tooth!
Hehe... Dread Pirate Dzer. As you wish!
That's awesome.
I'll walk yer plank, baby.
Too funny DZ!!!
OMG!! I LOVE this pic!!!!
Dread pirate Dzer...I *love* it! And you can shiver *me* timbers anytime, sir! ;o)
mmmmm you are my kind of pirate...need any decks swabbed? ;) HHNT!
You certainly make an excellent pirate! ^_^
You can steal my booty anytime ^_~
Happy HNT!
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