Monday, November 27, 2006

small little changes ...

• for the Christmas season, Devil DZER has been replaced by Santa DZER in my avatar.

• as a matter of cleaning things up a little bit and getting rid of old stuff, the sidebar links have been slimmed down.

• to correct broken links, the sidebar links have been updated.

• the white colors have been changed to slightly off-white.


Madame X said...

That's a different Santa Dzer!
Very very snazzalicious!

GAB said...

I love the santa dzer! and its good to clean up the blog every now and again!

SignGurl said...

*looks around* Looking pretty spiffy in here.

Can I sit on Santa's lap? I've been naughty.

JMai said...

Whew! My name is so short, I thought I'd been booted from the links list! I would be soooooooo upset if that happened!

I love Santa Dzer. I've been a good girl... nearly done with my Christmas shopping!

ArtfulDodger said...

And here I thought you had adopted a more ivory theme... hunh.