Friday, September 29, 2006

of sleep, food and money on a friday ...

I'm about a half hour from having to be at the office, and it's one of those drizzly Fridays where I wish I could just be sleeping in. Anytime it's rainy and chilly out I want to just forget the rest of the world and sleep ... then sleep some more.

The only good thing about all of this is that it is Friay, which means the weekend -- and thus the quality sleeping in -- is that much closer.

Also, it's payday Friday, the third payday of the month, which means a little extra cash in the check because there's no insurance co-payments taken out.

And, one of my co-workers owes me lunch, so at least I'll be eating free in a couple hours. I'm already hungry, thanks to My Favorite Person torturing me in ICQ with her spaghetti sauce preparations. She is a saucy wench! Heh.

I didn't hit the $10.5 million Thursday night drawing, but the guy I called to get the numbers said someone here hit the third-place prize, which should be good for several thousand dollars. Nope, it wasn't me. Would have been nice; I wouldn't have said no to third-prize money, that's for damn sure.

I guess I should put on some clothes and otherwise get ready.


ArtfulDodger said...

I'm first yeah!! Sorry about the lottery dude, I missed out on the 200+ million myself last week, not a daggone number! Oh well, us working stiffs don't need no money anyhow.

terry said...

yaay, friday!

yaay, payday!

yaay, sleep!

i'm SO with you on all of this.

JMai said...

I do so love payday ... mine was today. although, what do I need the stubs for if it's just direct deposit? It's just extra paper! Tree killers!

Happy weekend, Dz..

Natalia said...

Sorry you didn't get the lotto :( The payday is gonna have to do. Yum spags :) I am hungry now.


Grace said...

I'm completely unlucky with lotteries. I really shouldn't bother but I can't seem to help myself from buying some every once in a while.

It's been rainy all day here too. They're saying it won't stop for the next three days. Woo hoo! Maybe I'll try swimming to work tomorrow...

KJ said...

Clothes are overrated.........

I want to go back to sleep too.