Wednesday, September 20, 2006

almost forgot ...

With my time off, I very nearly neglected to provide the fine readers of this blog with the early HNT from Guam. Thanks to heather for reminding me in her comment to the post below.

So here you go ... a pic of me all excited to be back at work in the morning:

To find out more about Half-Nekkid Thursday,
check out the link, baby:

• That's right, kiddos, this makes No. 27. Somehow, I failed to notice that the aforementioned heather had posted the button on her page. Please welcome the newest addition to the fold with a hearty round of spanks and gropes (she's assured me that she loves both).

Any other DZERettes out there that I'm not aware of? If you've added the button, send me an e-mail to let me know and I'll get you up on the roster and announce you here. If you want to become one of the sexy and sensual DZERettes, click on the button located on the sidebar to find out how!

• Blogger seems to have finally gotten its head out of its ass and now people who switched to beta can comment on regular blogs, and regular bloggers can now comment on beta blogs. That's good news for DZERette terry, who had to create another version of herself to comment. And good news for me, because I like commenting on her fun and flavorful blog, especially now that she's not ignoring it (or us!) any more! LOL

• If you haven't already read it, check it out ... a recap of my mini-vacation.


Suze said...

Oh! I just want to give you a big *hug* and cheer you up. Were you looking down my top then?

Have an almost Happy HNT sweetie ;)

da buttah said...

awww, that face resembles my face in class.

ahhhh, i remember when the dzerettes started *sigh* memories!

Anonymous said...

*kiss on the tip of your nose*

Hi new dzerette!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! look so sad...

Happy early HNT! xoxoxo

ell said...

talk about big 'ol sad puppy dog eyes.

poor d! come here, let me give you a hug.


ArtfulDodger said...

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Try to cheer up dude, you're bringing us all down. :)

SignGurl said...

That's the exact same look I've had all week.

{{Big hugs}}

I'm not here. said...

This ought to cheer you up!
Go to and look under the comments for the story starting with "So there I was..." and read the one I submitted.
If that doesn't make you at least chuckle, time to check the pulse.

April said...

Great photos! Happy HNT..:)

Shay said...

I just thought you should know that Yuki was helping be surf the blogs tonight and she liked your HNT photo so much that she leaned forward (stepping on my keyboard) and gave it a little kitty nose kiss!

Natalia said...

Unsuck :) me likey...and those baby blues are still as amazing as the first time I saw them.


terry said...

aww, i feel so special, being singled out for my stupid-ass move in switching to beta.

and it's so nice having you back in my comments!

i guess i should write something comment-worthy, eh?

DZER said...

suze: I'm always looking down some hot chick's top!

buttah: There's just something about the taste of "Original DZERette!" Heh

aag: was that kiss for me or the new DZERette? LOL

heather: you're welcome hon ... and it is, isn't it?

spitfire: not sad ... just resigned ... and thanks ;)

ell: you weren't first! and can I nuzzle my head in your chest? heh

dodger: did you say wife?

signgurl: you poor thing!

momentarily distracted: such a good DZERette ... *spank*

april: thanks, darlin'!

shay: hmm ... it would have made me feel MUCH better if you had done that! LOL

natalia: that's me ... the obese Sinatra ... Ol' Fat Blue Eyes ... LMAO

terry: I like being back inside you ... umm ... yer comments ... and I was ready to create a beta account because I missed you so much ;)

ell said...

i streak has been broken. *pouting*

and, yes you can. come on over big guy!
